Traversée at Broadway Gallery
The third and final collaborative residency with artists from UK, France and Canada. Throughout this residency I have focused on Traversée as a crossing or traversing through the different stages of life. This latest work is a collaboration between myself and one of French artists, Yves Riguidel. My part of the work is about the…
Sketchbook Story
These are some images I came across recently showing sketches my son made in one of my sketchbooks alongside text I copied down for him as he told me the story of the drawings. He is a teenager now so to him it is cringe-worthy but to me it is wonderful to be able to…
Traversée Residency – France
The France part of the Traversée Residency started five days ago for me but the other artists have already been hard at work. Our work can currently be seen at the Église Saint Nicolas in Caen, France.
Traversée Residency
Photos from the Hatchery group’s residency at Broadway Cinema Gallery in Nottingham, UK. The theme for the residency is traversée. It is a residency involving artists from the UK, France, and Canada.
Tell me about the body as a home.
I questioned ChatGPT: Tell me about the body as a home. It answered: The idea of the body as a home is an analogy that suggests that just as we have a physical dwelling place where we live, our bodies also serve as a kind of home for us. This concept highlights the importance of…